Like a majority of Missourians, I support a woman's right to bodily autonomy and family planning, including abortion and contraception.
I am a family man, who believes that family decisions should be made by the family and the family alone.
This country was founded on the concept of self-determination. From the Declaration of Independence—the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—to the entire Bill of Rights (not to mention most of the Constitutional Amendments since then), our individual right to privacy, to govern our own bodies, and to pursue our own purpose have guided the growth of this nation. And until 2022, these rights have never been reversed.
Missouri's draconian abortion ban is dangerous, invasive, and un-American. Today in Missouri, pregnant women are dying because their doctors are not allowed to provide lifesaving care; young girls are forced to give birth to their rapist's children, and the great women of this great state are being treated as little more than vessels.
I am in this race because I am a family man, who believes that family decisions are best made by the family and the family alone. A vote for Eric Morse is a vote to restore respect and sanity to the Missouri State House by restoring the right to choose to Missouri's women.